crack of ice中文什么意思

发音:   用"crack of ice"造句
  • crack:    vt. 1.使破裂;敲破,敲碎,砸碎 ...
  • ice:    n. 1.冰,冰块。 2.〔英国〕雪 ...
  • ice crack:    冰冻裂隙; 冰裂
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  1. I happened to be just one mile away from this iceberg when we heard the cracking of ice and it seemed to come from that one iceberg alone . then its sharp peaks rising white in the sky , looked like it was starting to lean over . we all went to the rail of our ship and watched as it leaned a little more , then a little more , until it tipped completely upside down , and there was the bottom of the iceberg , all green


  1. crack nucleation 什么意思
  2. crack nucleus 什么意思
  3. crack of dawn 什么意思
  4. crack of doom 什么意思
  5. crack of fate 什么意思
  6. crack of weld 什么意思
  7. crack on 什么意思
  8. crack on body 什么意思
  9. crack open 什么意思
  10. crack open a nut 什么意思


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